Helpful Halloween Tips

trick or treaters on a door step

As we gear up for one of the busiest times of the year, we want to ensure that everyone is safe. Here are some tips to navigating through all the costumes and trick-or-treaters this Halloween:

Do Away With Distractions – Put down any distractions including cell phones, food and drink, and other belongings 

Turn Your Lights On – Make sure to have your headlights on at all times 

Cautious at Intersections – Be extra cautious at intersections and stop signs, paying attention to any kids who may be in the area 

Slow Down – Drive slower than the recommended speed limit in case you need to make any immediate stops 

Call 911 for Emergencies – Alert your local law enforcement of any driver under the influence to prevent future accidents.

At Camarillo Independent in Camarillo, CA, we care about our community’s safety, so follow these tips and make sure you’re ready to go this Halloween night.

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